Recent developments in large-N beta functions
2019.12.02 15:18 - AgnieszkaTurlejSeria:
Prelegent i afiliacja:
Tommi Alanne, Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg
wt., 2019-12-03 12:00 do 13:00
Pasteura 5, room B2.38 (Faculty of Physics)
There has been a growing interest in the past years in computing beta functions in theories with large number of flavour-like degrees of freedom. The singular structure of these large-N beta functions has inspired speculations of possible asymptotically safe realizations. I will review the current status of these computations, and show that by studying the connection with conformal field theory methods, one can obtain new insights on the singular structure that disfavour the UV fixed points relying on the singularities.
Best regards,
Andrzej Hryczuk
Kamila Kowalska
Kazuki Sakurai
Enrico Maria Sessolo
Krzysztof Turzyński
Załącznik | Wielkość |
heca_seminar_03.12.2019.pdf | 160.34 KB |
heca_seminar_03.12.2019.docx | 14.46 KB |