Wykłady podstawowe

Basic lectures

Basic lectures are designed for all visitors.

Basic lectures are usually delivered in Polish, but since the presentations do not heavily use typed text they may be delivered also in English at short notice.

We offer basic lectures on the following subjects:

Electromagnetic radiation (including X and γ rays)

Questions that may be answered at this talk include: What is radiation? What is ionising radiation? What is the difference between microwaves and X-rays? Can we see the effects of radiation?

Duration of the lecture - 45 min

Radioactivity. α, β and γ rays

Questions that may be answered at this talk include: What is radioactivity? What are α and β rays? Why they are emitted? What happens to unstable nucleus? How to protect yourself if radiation levels are high?

Duration of the lecture - 45 min

For the prices and maximum size of the listening groups please consult the price list. The price does not depend on the language used.