Notification of the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of M.Sc. Michał Komorowicz

On December 19-th, 2023 at. 3:00 p.m. in room 172, building 39, 7 Andrzeja Sołtana Street, 05-400 Otwock, public defense of the doctoral dissertation will take place.

M.Sc. Michała Komo­ro­wicza

will defend the thesis:

High-tem­pe­ra­ture cor­ro­sion of cera­mic con­struc­tion mate­rials for Dual Fluid Reac­tor”

Link to participate in public defense:

https: //www. goto­meet. me/NCBJme­eting­s/uz3-and-phd4gen-semi­nars

The doctoral dissertation is available for viewing in the NCBJ Library and on the website:

Postę­po­wa­nie w spra­wie nada­nia stop­nia dok­tora mgr Michał Komo­ro­wicz – Postę­po­wa­nia dok­tor­skie – Biu­le­tyn Infor­ma­cji Publicz­nej Naro­dowe Cen­trum Badań Jądro­wych (ncbj. gov. pl)


mgr Michał Komorowicz
PhD thesis title: 
High-tem­pe­ra­ture cor­ro­sion of cera­mic con­struc­tion mate­rials for Dual Fluid Reac­tor
Public defence date: 
Tue, 2023-12-19 15:00
sala 172, budynek 39 (Cyfronet), ul. Andrzeja Sołtana 7, 05-400 Otwock
prof. dr hab. Zbi­gniew Kon­rad Czer­ski (Naro­dowe Cen­trum Badań Jądro­wych)
Auxiliary tutor: 
dr Kazi­mierz Skro­bas (Naro­dowe Cen­trum Badań Jądro­wych)

dr hab. inż. Mar­cin Bucho­wiecki (Uni­wer­sy­tet Szcze­ciń­ski)

prof. Brent Jef­fery Heu­ser (Uni­wer­sy­tet w Illi­nois)

dr hab. inż. Rafał Laskow­ski (Poli­tech­nika War­szaw­ska)

Announcement date: 
Friday, 1 Dec 2023