Support from Oxford University Press in the distance learning process

Dear Sir / Madam,

During the COVID-19 pan­de­mic, Oxford Uni­ver­sity Press would like to sup­port your insti­tu­tion in the distance lear­ning pro­cess.

For lec­tu­rers or instruc­tors who came into con­tact with remote teaching for the first time, we offer four spe­cia­list online cour­ses for deve­lo­ping online lear­ning skills, Epi­geum a part of OUP,

In order to take cour­ses, inte­re­sted users only need to make a short regi­stra­tion from any com­pu­ter. Deta­iled guidance is pro­vi­ded at

https: //www. epi­geum. com/epi­geum-insi­ght­s/new­s/mo­ving-to-online-teaching-in-response-to-the-coro­na­vi­rus-covid-19-free-access-to-epi­geum-reso­ur­ces-that-may-help/

These tools will be ava­ila­ble free of charge until the end of May 2020.

We also enco­urage you to take advan­tage of the com­pre­hen­sive col­lec­tion of rese­arch rela­ted to COVID-19, other coro­na­vi­ru­ses and rela­ted topics, which has been made ava­ila­ble free of charge for the dura­tion of the epi­de­mic, to sup­port scien­ti­sts, doctors or heal­th­care pro­fes­sio­nals in dealing with the cri­sis.

The col­lec­tion inc­lu­des maga­zine artic­les, book chap­ters and text­bo­oks, as well as con­tent from Oxford Medi­cine Online, inc­lu­ding the Oxford Text­book of Medi­cine.

Publi­ca­tions are pla­ced on a public website ava­ila­ble COVID-19 rese­arch.