Education and Training opportunities under ENEN for career development

Seminarium Zakładu Energetyki Jądrowej i Analiz Środowiska
Speaker and affiliation: 
Gabriel Pavel and Roberta Cirillo ENEN
Tue, 2023-02-21 11:30 to 12:30

The European Nuclear Education Network, (ENEN) is an international non-profit organization established under the Belgian law. The main purpose of the ENEN Association is the preservation and the further development of expertise in the nuclear fields by higher education and training in Europe.

The mission of ENEN is the preservation and the further development of expertise in the nuclear fields by higher Education and Training. This objective should be realized through the co-operation between universities, research organisations, regulatory bodies, the industry and any other organisations involved in the application of nuclear science and ionising radiation.

During the presentation different ENEN's activities will be underline in order to answer to the question “why should NCBJ become an ENEN member”.
