Probabilistic Safety Analyses analyst

Competition opened on: 
4 Jul 2016 - 14:45
Application submission deadline: 
20 Aug 2016 - 23:45

NCBJ Division of Nuclear Energy and Environmental Studies is inviting engineers interested in Probabilistic Safety Analyses (PSA) to apply for a job of an analyst in the Division’s PSA team. The team is conducting research on methods to asses external/internal threats in nuclear power plants, to minimize impact of human factors on safety of nuclear facilities, and to mo­de­l consequences of po­tential failures.


  • BSc/MSc university degree / PhD in power engineering or similar
  • very good command of written and spoken English
  • ability to clearly present results in re­por­ts/scientific papers
  • good knowledge of statistical analysis me­thods
  • an open mind
  • experience with Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) / Failure Mode & Effect Analysis (FMEA) software will be an asset.


  • application
  • university / PhD diploma transcript
  • CV
  • personal questionnaire for employment applicants (click to download employment application form)
  • list of publications
  • list of patents, implementations, patent applications
  • all other documents possibly relevant for candidate evaluation.


Send your application before August 20, 2016 to:

Se­kre­ta­riat Za­kładu Ener­ge­ty­ki Ją­dro­wej i Ana­liz Śro­do­wi­ska (UZ3)
ul. An­drze­ja Soł­ta­na 7
05-400 Świerk/Otwock

or e-ma­il it to:
