Master degree scholarship – experimental neutrino physics

Competition opened on: 
14 Jul 2017 - 12:15
Application submission deadline: 
25 Aug 2017 - 23:45


NCBJ is inviting students of physics to apply for 12 month-duration scientific scholarship in the “Correlated nucleon pairs in neutrino interactions” (OPUS-2016/21/B/ST2/01092) project financed by National Science Centre (NCN). The student is expected to complete his/her master degree thesis in elementary particle experimental physics during that time. Only persons who meet the requirements specified by NCN in the Regulations of issuing study grants for young scientists (in Polish), see https: // are eligible to apply.

The project is currently under accomplishment by Warsaw Neutrino Group ( pl) in cooperation with a group of theoreticians from the Wrocław University. Participation in T2K international experiment (http: // research aimed to find new type neutrino interactions with correlated nucleon pairs is foreseen. To this end large sets of experimental data acquired by the near T2K detector (280 metres away the neutrino beam origin) will be analysed by Monte Carlo methods.



  • Master degree course student in elementary particle physics
  • Documented experience in analysing elementary particle physics experimental data
  • Familiarity with neutrino physics (in particular the T2K experiment), especially with interactions of neutrinos with matter
  • International team work skills
  • Good command of spoken and written English
  • Knowledge of Unix/Linux operating system, C++ programming language, ROOT software package
  • Good communication skills, autonomous responsibility.


  • CV with description of scientific background (please insert consent for processing your personal data for the recruitment purposes: „Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych dla realizacji procesu rekrutacji (zgodnie z ustawą o ochronie danych osobowych z dnia 29.08.1997 r. Dz. U. Nr 133, Poz. 883”)
  • Motivation letter with description of scientific interests
  • Exam records transcript
  • Bachelor degree diploma copy
  • College tutor recommendation letter
  • All other documents possibly relevant for candidate evaluation.


The scholarship in the amount of 750 PLN monthly will be paid for 12 months.

The scholarship is available immediately.

Contact person

Dr. Joanna Zalipska
Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych
ul. Hoża 69, 00-681 Warszawa

Send your application before August 25, 2017

Selected applicants will be invited for interviews by e-mail.
The competition will be concluded around  September 15, 2017.