Design engineer

Competition opened on: 
7 Jun 2016 - 09:15
Application submission deadline: 
30 Jun 2016 - 23:45

NCBJ is inviting mechanical engineers to apply for the design engineer job. The job profile:

  • to devise concepts of innovative structural/technological solutions to be applied at the MARIA nuclear reactor operated in Świerk and/or during research conducted within the core of the reactor
  • to work out specifications for the approved solutions
  • to coordinate installation/assembly works.



  • very good knowledge of (preferentially) the Inventor design-oriented software package (alternatives: AutoCad, Solid Edge, Solid Works, Catia)
  • good command of English (at a level enabling unconstraint communication)
  • higher technical education (mechanics or some related profile)
  • experience at the design engineer position
  • experience in cooperation with technology office and workshop
  • ability to work out technical documentation (executive drawings, assembly drawings, diagrams, manuals) / to design using the Inventor programme
  • very good knowledge of engineering drawing art.


Detailed job responsibilities

  • to work out/check/verify structural designs of various devices
  • to design technological instrumentation
  • to draw up technical/technological documentation
  • to prepare tender documentation/production records
  • to supervise making of prototypes
  • to supervise testing and to evaluate test results
  • to draw up safety documentation/safe operation instructions
  • to participate in conducting analyses of device operational safety and in obtaining formal permits to operate the devices.


We offer

  • permanent employment contract
  • possibility to work part-time
  • opportunity to get experienced in the nuclear sector
  • opportunity to present work results at international scientific conferences
  • free-of-charge bus transport to Świerk
  • flexible working hours (task-oriented employment)
  • health service at the Institute premises
  • sport club, a company recreational programme, other benefits.


Send your application before end of June 2016 to the following address:



surface mail:
Michał Aleksander Gryziński
Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych
ul. Andrzeja Sołtana 7
05-400 Otwock

Mark your application (e.g. in subject of your e-mail) with the “Konstruktor” word.