Notification of the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of M.Sc. Szymon Nakoneczny

NOTICE The committee for doctoral dissertations of the Scientific Council of the National Center for Nuclear Research informs about the public defense of the doctoral dissertation of M. Sc. Szymon Nakoneczny

„Machine lear­ning based cata­logs of quasars and gala­xies for cosmo­lo­gi­cal stu­dies”.

The doctoral dissertation can be viewed at the NCBJ Library and on the NCBJ website: Machine lear­ning based cata­logs of quasars and gala­xies for cosmo­lo­gi­cal stu­dies | Naro­dowe Cen­trum Badań Jądro­wych (ncbj. gov. pl)

Szymon Nakoneczny
PhD thesis title: 
Machine lear­ning based cata­logs of quasars and gala­xies for cosmo­lo­gi­cal stu­dies
Public defence date: 
Fri, 2022-12-09 11:30
sala 207, ul. Pasteura 7, 02-093 Warszawa
prof. Agnieszka Pollo (Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych)
Auxiliary tutor: 
Associate prof. Maciej Bilicki
  • Prof. Szy­mon Kozłow­ski (Uni­wer­sy­tet War­szaw­ski)
  • dr. Lin­gyu Wang (Uni­wer­sy­tet w Gro­nin­gen, Holan­dia)
Announcement date: 
Thursday, 24 Nov 2022