Dr. Sebastian Trojanowski won this year's Polityka Science Award

dr Sebastian Trojanowski

Congratulations! Dr. Trojanowski is an employee of the Department of Theoretical Physics (as well as the Astronomical Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences). His achievements include co-design of a new experiment at the LHC: FASER is to search for dark matter particles.


We wrote more about this interesting proposal here: https://old.ncbj.gov.pl/aktualnosci/faser-nowy-eksperyment-lhc-mocnym-na...

We also recommend the description of the laureate's achievements and the film that Dr. Trojanowski recorded for the competition: https://www.polityka.pl/tygodnikpolityka/nauka/nagrodynaukowe/2138686,1,...

The full announcement of this year's awards and the rationale for the award of Dr. You can read Trojanowski on the journal's website: https://www.polityka.pl/tygodnikpolityka/nauka/nagrodynaukowe/2139400,1,...

dr Sebastian Trojanowski