Accelerator for intraoperative therapy will be installed in Poznań

Akcelerator śródoperacyjny IntraLine IOERT (foto: Grzegorz Krzyżewski /NCBJ)

On 28th March 2019 in the Marshal Office in Poznań, an agreement on funding the project „Creating a possibility of implementing the procedure of intraoperative irradiation in Greater Poland Cancer Center using innovative electron accelerator” was signed. The project will be carried out by: Centre of High Technology „HITEC ŚWIERK” (special purpose vehicle of National Centre for Nuclear Research), National Centre for Nuclear Research) and Greater Poland Cancer Center.

The agreement was signed by: a representative of Greater Poland Voivodeship Board, Director of Regional Programme Implementation Department of Greater Poland Voivodeship Marshal Office Agnieszka Juskowiak and a representative of the consortium of bodies implementing the project Dariusz Socha, CEO of Centre of High Technology in Świerk „HITEC ŚWIERK”. The project is predicted to be finalised in 31st December 2020 – by that time, an intraoperative accelerator produced in Świerk will be installed in a dedicated operating room in Greater Poland Cancer Center. The accelerator will utilise current achievements of NCBJ and WCO (Greater Poland Cancer Centre), attained during the implementation of AiD and INTRADOSE projects, taking into account both the technological advancement related to accelerator-based solutions and current worldwide experience in intraoperative irradiation. The installation of Polish-made intraoperative accelerator in healthcare facility would create a chance for NCBJ to enter the Polish and, consecutively, European and global market of accelerators dedicated to intraoperative irradiation.

Intraoperative accelerator IntraLine IOERT (foto: Grzegorz Krzyżewski /NCBJ)