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Current projects


Logo projektu SINFONIA
The main objectives of the four-year SINFONIA project is to develop novel methodologies and tools that will provide a comprehensive risk appraisal for detrimental effects of radiation exposure on patients, workers, carers and comforters, the public and the environment during the management of patients suspected or diagnosed with lymphoma and brain tumours. ----


SECURE project aims to make a major contribution to the sustainability of medical isotope production and its safe application in Europe. It is focusing on promising developments in the design of irradiation targets, production routes for existing and new isotopes in nuclear therapy and diagnostics. Isotopes critical in the success of nuclear medicine are selected and research activities such as Cu-64, Ag-111, Tb-161, Lu-177, Re-188, Au-199, Pb-212 and Ac-225 are identified to address some of the major challenges in securing its future availability. ----
