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Achievements and awards

Dr. Eng. Karol Wawrzyniak joined the RES team

April 2 this year Mini­ster of Cli­mate Michał Kur­tyka has set up a Team for the Deve­lop­ment of the Rene­wa­ble Energy Sour­ces Indu­stry and Bene­fits for the Polish Eco­nomy. It will be a con­sul­ta­tive and advi­sory body that atta­ches to the Mini­ster, who is respon­si­ble for cli­mate and energy. Dr Eng. Karol Waw­rzy­niak from the Inter­di­sci­pli­nary Depart­ment of Energy Ana­ly­sis NCBJ is now in charge of the local energy dimen­sion. ----

16 million for clinical research on tandem therapy

The Project „The use of the LutaPol/ItraPol (177Lu/90Y-DOTATATE) tandem therapy as an effective tool for the treatment of neuroendocrine tumors” coordinated by POLATOM was eligible for funding in the Medical Research Agency’s competition to support non-commercial clinical research. ----

100% of our projects made it to the Map

On January 14th, Minister of Science and Higher Education published a list of strategic research infrastructures present on the Polish Map of Research Infrastructure. Among 70 approved projects, 7 proposals were prepared by scientists form NCBJ. These include four projects for the new national research structures and three projects of participation in international projects. ----
