Zajęcia w laboratorium dydaktycznym

Classes in the didactic laboratory

Pupils of the secon­dary scho­ols, uni­ver­sity stu­dents and science teachers may con­duct the expe­ri­ments in the Labo­ra­tory of the Ato­mic and Nuc­lear Phy­sics, uni­que on the Euro­pean scale. We offer about 30 expe­ri­men­tal setups. The par­ti­ci­pants, wor­king either stan­da­lone or in pairs may per­form measu­re­ments of α, β, and γ radia­tion, as well as X-rays and light.

One may measure the pene­tra­ting power and absorp­tion of radia­tion, dif­frac­tion, and inter­fe­rence of visi­ble light, X-rays and elec­trons, or per­form a spec­tral ana­ly­sis of ato­mic and nuc­lear radia­tion. There are clas­si­cal expe­ri­ments of Ruther­ford and Franck-Hertz „to be repe­ated”. One may measure the Comp­ton effect, dif­frac­tion of elec­trons on powde­red cry­stals, inter­fe­rence of laser light or micro­wa­ves using the Michel­son method, half-life of natu­rally occur­ring and arti­fi­cially made iso­to­pes and the pho­to­elec­tric effect. One can also expe­ri­ment with pho­to­vol­taic effects, hydro­gen cells, and heat pumps. For each of the expe­ri­ments, a step-by-step instruc­tion guide has been pre­pa­red (in Polish only). The instruc­tions describe phy­si­cal phe­no­mena that are mani­fe­sted in the expe­ri­ment, detail how to con­duct it, and also how to ana­lyze the obta­ined results. The pupils’ work under con­stant super­vi­sion of DEiS teaching staff.

Due to the work safety requ­ire­ments and com­fort of the pupils, we can­not allow more than 16 par­ti­ci­pants into the labo­ra­tory room at a given time. Because of this limit, we offer two pro­grams of one day visit: one for the gro­ups of up to 16 par­ti­ci­pants, and the other for gro­ups of 17–30 par­ti­ci­pants. The acti­vi­ties take 6–7 hours and cul­mi­nate with par­ti­ci­pants pre­sen­ting their expe­ri­ments and discus­sing their results during the repor­ting semi­nar.

There is a possi­bi­lity to orga­nize indi­vi­dual acti­vi­ties.